Friend or Foe?


Playtesters (circle from left): Aaron Kahn, Jack Chang, Miaoqi Zhu, Nicholas Matthews, and Steve Burns

What is the "singularity" of one porker deck plus 2 dice? In a poker deck, the variation of numbers ranges from 1 (Ace) to 13 (King), while that of two dice together is from the minimum of 2 (1+1) to the maximum of 12 (6+6). Hence, any number combined by two dice can cover all numbers possible in one poker deck-- except 1 and 13. So I wanted to develop a card game using this singularity. In this game, players get to either attack or befriend each other (help oneself by helping another).

p.s. The word singularity is actually from math/calculus: "an exceptional set where it fails to be well-behaved in some particular way" (from Wikipedia). But essentially, this is just a card game based on the observation upon a poker deck and two dice together. Hopefully this turns out to be a fun and creative game.

Other Info:

Game Rules

The first player to get rid all of his/her own cards wins.

Game Setup
One poker deck, two dice, preferably 4+ players. (The following assumes there are 4 players A, B, C, and D.)

Cards are shuffled and dealt out to each player evenly. Each player then takes turn to roll the two dice.

Rule I (The Basic Gameplay)
After rolling the two dice in his turn, the player can discard his card(s) if he has card(s) that matches any of the following two criteria:

Rule III (The Foe Rule)

If a player passes in his turn, i.e. he doesn't have any card(s) that matches any of the two criteria, or, for strategic reasons, he chooses not to discard the card(s) that matches any of the two criteria, any other players who has card(s) matching to either one of the criteria can shout "Foe!".

He who calls "Foe!" first can then discard the card(s) accordingly. This also means the player who just passed gets "attacked"-- he needs to collect all the card in the discard pile and the game continues.


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