
Since/after PhD >>>

Biology Education: VR Place-Based Learning

Biology is one of the many disciplines that require Placed-Based Learning. But it often takes a lot of logistical work to get a large class of students to a field just for a limited period of time. This large-scale project investigates how VR can better prepare students for biology field trips.

(funded by PSU's Strategic Plan)

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Energy, Community, and Immersive Technology

Various types of stakeholders are involved in energy production, distribution, and consumption. However, community conflicts often emerge as a result of lack of mutual understanding. We explore the use of VR to inform and facilitate participation, discussion, and decision-making.

(funded by PSU's Strategic Plan & College of Ag)

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Tangible VR for Spatial Penetrative Thinking

The spatial ability of penetrative thinking is important to areas like geology, biology, anatomy, and dentistry. But it’s under-explored due to its recent discovery. We have designed a tangible VR system with the goal to engage and potentially improve this spatial ability.

(funded by SSHRC)

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TASC (for Spatial Perspective Taking Ability)

Grounded in embodied cognition theories, this TASC system uses tangible interaction and virtual reality (VR) to engage and improve spatial perspective taking ability.

(funded by SSHRC)

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Contextual Inquiry: Google Glass for Bio-Hazard Handling Professionals

To explore design opportunities for Google Glass, I conducted contextual inquiry with PPE-wearing, HazMat-handling professionals. I proposed an A3 model to encapsulate potential Google Glass features.

(funded by DTRA, part of USA's Dept. of Defense)

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Participatory Campus Planning

For universities situated in a metropolitan area, planning and growing such urban campuses face many challenges. In this project, we propose the use of interactive tabletops and active tangibles to enhance collaborative campus planning.

(funded by SSHRC)

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Designing an interactive situation awareness display to visualize the states and issues of a large-scale computer network using the analysts' positions and gestures as input.

- 2013 IEEE VAST Challenge Award Winner
(for Outstanding Creative Design)

[video] / [submission materials (on one webpage)]


An ambient information display to visualize a large computer network using flat interaction design.

- 2013 IEEE VAST Challenge Award Winner
(for Outstanding Creative Design)

[video] / [submission materials (on one webpage)]

Synthetic Gallery

Synthetic Gallery is a prototypical spatial generative system that monitors the user’s spatial viewing behaviors to develop a growing 3D virtual gallery and to visualize user's associative thinking.

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Helios Saga

Helios Saga is game about fighting enemies and managing resources around and inside the sun.

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Before PhD >> Expand+


An online “medical action” game with nanobot traveling inside a boy’s body and switching between modes in order to fight against enemies by working with them. (Award winner. Conference exhibitor.)

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Interactive Tableware: Icebreaking Glasses

A generative system. Let's pour water into glasses to calmly generate sound and visual changes. Maybe there is something poetic about this.

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The Gluttos: Winners Lose

This generative music/art project is a digital eco-system of hungry organisms, "the Gluttos" (derived from "gluttony"). They move around and attack one another, trying to regain fullness. (The fuller one gets attacked more. Hence, "winners lose".)

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Hit Me, Touch Me, Listen to Me

A pair of players physically hit each other to generate melodies & animation.

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A Wiimote-controlled audio game. Players navigate themselves out of the maze by listening to where and how strong the scary sounds are.

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Basketball as a board game!

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Friend or foe?

A card game using the "singularity" of one porker deck plus 2 dice.

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